Wednesday, 13 July 2016

Basic thingks to learn for column checking as an engineer

Basic things to learn for fresher civil engineer:-

This post is only on Site work (Checking & Managing).
Let’s go with basic checking like
1.   Column checking
2.   Slab checking
3.   Concrete checking
4.   Footing checking
As a civil engineer we have to check R.C.C work & Shuttering work (form work) as well as finishing work which is very important.

Column Checking:-While an engineer goes for checking column he/she should know what things should be checked in column 
   1. Center line
      2. Starter or Column
      3. Concreting
As there is practice of direct making column mold without starter .I have written starter or column in check list.

First we should know what center line is, Center line tells us what is the position, phase, center point of column.
For checking center-line of column one should have center-line plan and he/she should check the column number which is to be checked and the column distance in x and y direction which is in plan given in terms of distance between column which is to be checked and other column in that alignment. 

After checking the distance you should get the appropriate distance between two columns. IF you get the correct distance mentioned in drawing by measuring that distance with measuring tape your column is in proper position now you can set up the starter or directly set up the mold for column that depend upon the practice of an engineer.

Now checking goes in 2 type R.C.C and Shuttering.

As the mold of column is set you should check the shuttering material do it has leakage or hole and the alignment of column (vertical & horizontal). In Indian site language if we say (modhia aur side line me hona chaiye).

Check if proper oiling is done on mold from inside. Proper oiling of mold helps in god finishing smooth surface and it becomes easy to remove shuttering without damaging shuttering.

After this you should check the plum of the column that is column is on 900 not tilted it is checked with help of plumb bob.
Column has four side so it is must to check plum on two side of column (longer and shorter) side but on longer side on both end and in shorter side in the middle  and while checking plum you should check at two point at top and at bottom 

If you don't get same distance at top and bottom  you should make carpenter make it correct.
In Indian site language we say it as olamba should be equal at top and at bottom.

Last thing to check in shuttering is Diagonal side it helps u in knowing is column proper rectangular or it is not if no you should get it correct and check proper molding is done or not

Both diagonal side should be equal in measurement to maintain column rectangle in shape.
In Indian site language we say it as katkona we should get same on both  diagonal side.

R.C.C (steel Checking):- In steel checking you should check the alignment of steel bar, number of vertical bar and there diameter of bar as per given in the drawing(R.C.C footing and column drawing).
Check the links provided(Ring) if the number of vertical bar are more or steel dia is bigger say  12mm,16mm,20mm it is provided with Links and master link (Ring and Chipya, Master ring).
And check the master ring is provided alternately with links.
After checking this check if the links are tied properly with binding wire.

AS R.C.C and Shuttering work is checked now it’s time for concreting.

Concreting:- At time of concreting Engineer should Check the mix proportion made by worker and homogeneity of concrete if homogeneity is not proper he should adjust the aggregate, sand contain in the mix and  Engineer should give the marking till what length column is to be filled.

Calculation for what length column to be filled
Floor to floor height=2.9m
Beam depth(beam having maximum depth of all beam)=say 0.6m
The column to be filled =2.9-0.6=2.3m

After getting the length to be filled on one column(blue column)Transfer that length (level of filling) with help of level tube to all other column which you need in same level.

While pouring the concrete the vibrator should be properly inserted and concrete should be compacted to avoid honeycombing  and voids.

As concreting is in process tell the worker to check the position of steel as it shifts as the pressure of concrete falls on it because if column steel shifts it cannot be brought in proper place after concrete get hard which will lead to improper distance of steel while shuttering again for further work like slab and beam. 

  Thanks for reading further topics will be covered in next post.

Friday, 8 July 2016

Basic things to learn for Fresher civil engineer

Basic things to learn for fresher civil engineer:-
1.           Types of drawing.
2.           Site work (checking & managing).
3.           Material management.
4.           Estimation and billing.
This post is only on Types of drawing should an engineer look for.
Types of Drawing:-  
Architectural Drawings
Structural Drawings
Demarcation plan
Footing& Column Drawing
Working plans
Plinth Beam Drawing
Road level plan
R.C.C Slabs Drawing
Layout plan
Standard R.C.C  Work Drawing
Center line plan
G.F.C certified Drawing
Section plan

Elevation plan

Electrical drawing

Detail work or Finishing work plan

Demarcation plan:- This drawing is use to set out  proper placement of building or in other words used to plot building on its original location and to give area for excavation at where construction is to be done.
IF say in local language of contractors in India Its used for chapkaam of  construction area which will undergo excavation.
Working Plan:- This plan is used with reference to structural drawing for proper work to be carried out for making proper form work (centering work) it gives idea of proper dimension of  rooms and all inclusive objects in drawing. This plan also help in doing brick work and it includes dimensions of window, doors, ventilation etc.
Road Level Plan:- This plan is used in infrastructure work for knowing the proper level of road and it helps in construction of road work setting out height of plinth near by the road.
Layout Plan:- This plan is also called site plan it shows the entire layout of the site it mention at what location what things will be constructed.
Center Line Plan:- This plan is very much important for Site engineer as it helps in constriction and plotting proper and accurate location of column, Lift Duct.
Section Plan:- Section plan are used for setting out the height and internal details of the building.
Elevation Plan:- This plan helps in working out the front face of building and it gives detail of how the building will look after Construction.
Detail Work or Finishing Work:- This drawing helps in carrying out the finishing work such as how internally and external things will look like and what types of  material to be used in finishing work, detail of product to be used while finalizing building.
Footing Drawing:- The footing drawing is structural drawing it gives schedule of which type of footing is to be constructed, type of bars to be used and of what sizes, what will be the lap length (Ld) if provided.
Footing Drawing is used with reference to center line drawing to a place footing on its proper location so the column comes in the proper location.
Plinth Beam Drawing:- It is the drawing which gives detail of beam which are below or at ground level as per the height of building at ground this drawing is used with reference with Ground floor working drawing .
R.C.C Slabs drawing:- This drawing gives the detail of slab to be reinforced with steel such as what will be the spacing in bars and the thickness of slab and beams and which type if slab it will be one way or two way or cantilever slab.
Standard Drawing:- This drawing shows the detailing of the reinforcement which should be brought in practice with reference to any Structural drawing it gives idea of  how the steel should be molded and what shape it should maintain before checking of the structural engineer and before placement of concrete in that desired location.
G.F.C Drawing:- G.F.C means good for construction this is certificate provided by structural engineer to site engineer before the construction of  the desired work.

Thursday, 7 July 2016

Calculation of cement bags,aggregate,sand as per IS Code

How to calculate cement bags sand and aggregate 

First decide the ratio of concrete and volume of concrete to be produced and then go with this formula:-
  Cement bags =(dry density X volume of concrete)/(sum of ratio X 0.035)

Ratio for m20 is 1:1.5:3 and calculation for 1m3 of concrete how much cement bags are required?

 Ans:- Cement bags =(1.52 X 1)/(1+1.5+3)X0.035

            Cement bags =7.89 bags.
 Similarly sand required will be 1.5 times of
(dry density X volume of concrete)/(sum of ratio)
so sand required= 1.5X((1.52 X 1)/(1+1.5+3))=0.414 M3
            1Brass=2.83 M3
            therefore,sand in brass=0.414/2.83= 0.146 brass.

 Similarly Aggregate required will be 3 times of
(dry density X volume of concrete)/(sum of ratio)
so Aggregate required= 3 X((1.52 X 1)/(1+1.5+3))=0.829 M3
            1Brass=2.83 M3
            therefore,sand in brass=0.829/2.83= 0.292 brass.